Thursday, March 15, 2007

A Season for Everything

So much is happening these days. I can tell spring is starting to spring! My life is getting busier again, not that it's not busy to begin with. But now that people are no longer desiring to be hermits, the streets are buzzing, the sidewalks are crawling, and the parties are hopping in the city! It's kinda nice to see life again. It reminds of the Bible verse that says, "there is a season for everything..." And the season for sleeping in and going to bed early is over. It's time to clean... clean house, clean up outside, and clean out our insides too. It's time to get outdoors and clean out the gardens, sweep the porches, wash the windows, and WASH THE CARS!!! Yuck! Soon it will be time to plant. And boy I can't wait to do that! I love spending time in my gardens.

For me right now, it's time to clean. I'm trying to instill the desire to clean up and tidy up in my children. What a fruitless endeavor at thier ages! However, I am finding some success is teaching them about how to keep their insides clean by making better food choices. And at the same time teaching them that our bodies are the temple of God. We must be better stewards of this temple and make better choices of what we put in the temple. Santa might like cookies and milk, but our bodies don't handle them too well. Now the kids are actually asking for carrot sticks!!! Yay! I accomplished something! WOO HOO!

We've had fun being creative with cooking lately. Below is a recipe that the kids have fallen in love with. Enjoy!

Mindi's Curried Chicken & Noodle Soup

1 box of tri color rotini1 chicken breast
6 large (huge) carrots, sliced
4 stalks of celery, sliced
1/2 half large onion, chopped
2 Tbs. dried rosemary
2 Tbs. Curry powder
8 cups water

In a sauce pan filled with about 2 cups water, cook chicken breast with a a sprinkling of curry powder until done. When cooled, chop the chicken into bits. Pour stock and chicken into a large soup pot. Add carrots, celery, onion, rosemary, curry powder, and water. Bring to a boil and let cook for 15 - 20 minutes. Add rotini, turn off heat, cover pan, and let sit for 5 - 10 minutes. Soup will cool while rotini cooks... perfect for serving to kids! Enjoy with homemade Indian Squaw bread (recipe coming soon) and butter! Mmm Mmm Good!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Jesus Loves Me

Today is one of those days that it's not too hard to believe in my heart, not just my head, how much God loves me.

The sun is shining! He knows this is one way for Him to speak to me. The winter weather has finally broke. Spring is just around the bend. There's a gusty breeze blowing. I was eating my long hair while walking this morning! (ha ha ha) And I definately had a spring in my step!

After a wonderful chat with my friend over coffee and a ham and cheese scone at my favorite cafe' (North Star Cafe'), I feel thoroughly blessed today.

It's the little things that speak to me in huge ways. It's the fact that Jesus has allowed for the sun to shine today. He created an opportunity today for me to be a blessing to another sister in Christ & for her to be a blessing to me, too. These are the little things that tells me how much he loves me.

So I'm home now, sitting at my desk which is strategically placed in front of a large picture window so that I can peer out at the world while I seek inspiration for my ramblings. I just glanced over to my right. I notice that the book I have been using as a study tool stands stragically propped up on my book stand & open to a page that is so appropriate for today. The title for Page 51 of "Amazing Grace: 366 Inspiring Hymn Stories for Daily Devotions" reads: JESUS LOVES ME ! Wow! How cool is that?!?!

Perhaps God will will bless you today, like He just did again for me through the reading of His Word and the words (in part) of Kenneth W. Ozbeck in today's entry (March 2):
Jesus Loves Me
The story is told of a brilliant professor at Princeton Seminary who always left his graduation class with these words: "Gentlemen, there is still much in this world and in the Bible that I do not understand, but of one thing I am certain-- 'Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so'-- and gentlemen, that is sufficient!"

Without a doubt the song that has been sung more by children than any other hymn is this simply stated one by Anna B. Warner. Written in 1860, it is still one of the first hymns taught to new converts in other lands.

Miss Warner wrote this text in collaboration with her sister Susan. It was part of their novel Say and Seal, one of the best-selling books of that day. Today few individuals would know or remember the plot of that story, which once stirred the hearts of many readers. But the simple poem spoken by one of the charaters, Mr. Linden, as he comforts Johnny Fax, a dying child, still remains the favorite hymn of countless children around the world.

Jesus loves me! this I know, for the Bible tells me so; little ones to Him belong, they are weak but He is strong.

Jesus loves me! loves me still,. though I'm very weak and ill; from His shining thone on high, comes to watch me where I lie.

Jesus loves me! He who died heaven's gate to open wide; He will wash away my sin, let His little child come in.

Jesus loves me! He will stay close beside me all the way; Thou hast bled and died for me, I will henceforth live for Thee.

Chorus: Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so.

"I will tell you the truth,
anyone who will not receive
the kingdom of God
like a little child
will never enter it."
Luke 18:17

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The List

"Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Make allowance for each other's faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. Above all, clothe yourself with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony. And let the peace that come from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful. Let the message about Christ, in all its richness fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts. And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father." Colossians 4:12-17

This passage is just HUGE! And clearly one that God is trying to work on in me. There is no way I can digest this whole segment in one sitting. So, today, I simply write the key words in the order they appear. It seems to me that these are the order in which God wants to teach them to me with some learning gained along the way.

God loves me

Hmmm... those key words look really familiar! The Fruits of the Spirit. Wow, do I have some learning to do!

Elton M. Roth, 1891-1951 wrote the words to this gospel hymn that seems to speaks to me today:

Down from His splendor in glory He came, into a world of woe;
took on Himself all my guilt and shame, why should He love me so?

I am unworthy to take of His grace, wonderful grace so free;
yet Jesus suffered and died in my place, e'en for a soul like me.

He is the fairest of thousands to me, His love is sweet and true;
wonderful beauty in Him I now see, more than I ever knew.

Chorus: How can I help but love Him, when He loved me so?
How can I help but love Him, when He loved me so?

Friday, January 26, 2007

A Gift from the Sea

What do I have to give?

As I reflect on this question, one thing comes to mind. I have nothing left to give… no time, no energy, no encouragement, no smile, no words, NOTHING! I am as a dried up as an old leather bag. Once it was the vessel for carrying beautiful marbles, collectible coins, river rocks, sea shells, etc… but now that bag once a beautfil tanned piece of art is now weathered with cracks, freying seams, a few holes to which everything seems to slip through, and a missing strap to tighten for carrying.

What do I have left to give? Nothing.

The thought that comes to mind is whether or not I am content to stay in this duldrum? Am I really okay with being worn out, used up, empty? Though at times I think that the replenishment I need will never come. Am I okay with that? Can I continue to go on living this way? Absolutely not.

So what then must I do?

The Lord spoke to me today. He spoke to me quite boldly as He does when I am alone with Him in my favorite place… the beach. Today He said, it’s time for solitude. Oh, Mindi, you may think you are alone. But you will soon find you are not.

Go walk on that beach I created to show my compassion for your soul. Go stand in front of the waves as they crash to shore. I created those to show you my strength and cleansing power. Inhale the sweet scent of the air all around you. I swiftly send it to you to show you that I want to not only be your Master, but I want to be intimately involved in all your life.

You may think you are alone today, but my child… you are never alone. If only you’d make more time in your day for me. If only you’d seek me in the morning. If only you turned to me more constantly. Then you would know that I am enough. I am your All. I will fill you up again. I came to give you life so that you may not thirst again! Go DRINK of me!

So today, I go to drink. To walk. To talk. To BE with my Jesus.

I am not alone. He is with me.

This is my gift from the sea.

"Taste and see that the Lord is good;
blessed is the man who takes refuge in him." Psalm 34:8

Sunday, January 21, 2007

It Is Well With My Soul, 4th Stanza

Dear God, I pray that this week is better than last! Please remove that which hurts so bad and return to me that which causes me so much joy! This life is so full of torment, I can hardly bare it anymore. Please unlock the words of my heart, the music of my soul, so that I may bring more glory to your name! I BEG you for your mercy and for this blessing.

And, Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll,
The trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend:
"Even so"-- It is well with my soul.

Come Lord Jesus, Please Come!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

"My Lover's Call"

Written by Mindi Jentes
January 19, 2007
Inspired by The Sister's Secret Garden
at Inniswood Metro Gardens, Westerville, Ohio

Inhaling the clean air around me
Dancing in fields of grass
Journeying down the path unwinding
Caressing the flow’rs as I pass

Before me lies the forest
The trees stretch to the sun
The stream has a message
“You’re journey’s just begun.”

Pushing wide the gate before me
Entering the tranquil scene
Listening, Do I hear Him?
He whispers like the stream

Following the mysterious pathway,
It’s tucked between the walls.
Pushing back the ivy tendrils
Do I hear my Lover’s Call?

Inside the secret garden,
The dew clothes the ground.
For to hear the Music playing,
I must be silent, not a sound.

The leaves begin to rustle
The trees gently sway
The breeze combs through my hair
He’s whispering: “Come this way.”

The Season now to enter
My long awaited rest,
Is standing here before me
‘Tis the end of my long quest.

Letting His loving arms enfold me,
Placing my head upon his breast
Holding tight to Him always,
For in Him I’ve found sweet rest.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:19 NLT

Friday, January 19, 2007

It Is Well With My Soul, 3rd Stanza

The story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead has really struck a chord with me lately. Jesus was going about His Father's business when Martha rushes to beg him to go with her to Bethany to heal Lazarus. Jesus tells them that Lazarus' illness will not end in death and so he chooses to continue his ministry rather than go to Lazarus. His disciples are dumb-founded by this and question him. Here's what He tells them:

(John 11:4, 9-11 NLT) "Lazarus' sickness will not end in death. No it happened for the glory of God so that the Son of God will recieve glory from this. There are twelve hours of daylight every day. During the day people can walk safely. They can see because they have the light of this world. But at night there is danger of stumbling because they have no light. Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep, but now I will go and wake him up."

Ah-ha! Do you ever those moments? The "Ah-ha!" moments when you finally see something you've been searching for? Well this is one of them for me. God has taken something from me that causes me to ache in my soul. This Ah-ha moment answers the question "Why?" Take a look again at what Jesus said, "it happened for the glory of God, so that the Son of God will recieve glory from this."

If this incredibly special thing from God was not taken from me then I would continue to stumble around in the darkness looking to my own strength and power to accomplish many things. God had to take it away from me, to humble me. To show me that I was not walking in the Light. I was treading on dangerous ground and the enemy was lurking around the dumpster in the dark alley of life waiting to devour me!

I believe that someday this thing that God has removed from my life will be given back to me. Only this time, I must recieve it as a precious thing to be highly valued and guarded. This very special thing must only be used to bring honor and glory to the Lord Jesus Christ. When God has finished reconstructing my heart to be a little more like His, I am confident that this precious thing taken from me will be returned... just like Lazarus was given back to his sisters. Then, through this thing, I will experience the incredible joy that come from giving Jesus all the glory and praise!

My sin-- O, the bliss of this glorious thought,
my sin not in part but the whole,
is nailed to the cross and I bear it no more:
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!

It Is Well With My Soul!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

It Is Well With My Soul, 2nd Stanza

Ever have one of those days where you were so emotionally sensitive that seeing a jar of peanut butter almost caused you to burst into tears?!? Today was one of those days for me. And right now at 11:45pm the feeling hasn't past yet.

Sometimes, I wish I could just completely and utterly, from the depths of my gutt bawl like a child with sheer exhaustion! Ever feel like that? Jesus did. Jesus felt the same emotions we feel. Jesus cried, and probably not as neatly as our modern English makes it seem. "Jesus wept." (John 11:35) It sounds so tidy and neat. So composed and so refined. As if he were some ultra clean-cut, red tied, business suit wearing, red hanky carrying dignitary from the highest ranks in Washington-- patting away a single tear as it slowly meandered down over his plump tan-less cheek.

My Jesus did not weep. He BAWLED! He was an exhausted scrawny, long scraggly haired, fuzzy bearded, sun drenched, long dingy robed, worn out sandals wearing Savior of the World interrupted in his journey by his very dear friend's untimely death. When Jesus arrived on the scene, he was scorned and questioned for not having arrived on time to heal his friend. He was mocked for calling himself the Savior of the World, and yet he couldn't save his dearest friend from death. Even his closest friends and disciples doubted and wondered about who He said He was.

And yet in the middle of it all, he collapse alongside Mary and Martha and wailed the cry of death! Surely he poured out his anguish until he ached in his gutt. Jesus was FULLY human! Is this not how we cry at the loss of a loved one? He was also FULLY God! He knew that the crowd of mourners would doubt His Deity. He knew that Lazarus would die. He knew that He would also raise Lazarus to life again! And so He, being fully human and fully God, shouted to the dead man in the grave "Come Out!" And Lazarus came out-- alive AND well!

So do you think Jesus cares about how I felt today? Fully covered in grief and emotion? I did not lose a loved one, but my sorrow seems just as great to me. The longing and aching in my soul is just as real to me as any death could be. There is no greater pain than to have had something to only lose it, taken from you by God. The reason for this loss? That's between me and God. Will it ever be returned to me again? I beg God that it will. Will the dream ever die? Probably not. Will I ache forever? Maybe. For the last 10 years, the aching has come and gone. Today it is back. Today I mourn. Today I cry out from the depths of despair! Today I beg God to give me back that part of me that is so dear. Today I do not doubt Him. Today I do not cry, "if only..." Today I simply fall to my knees and cry, and cry, and cry. But not alone. Today I had my dearest friend of all join me. Jesus.

Though Satan should buffet,
Though trials should come,
Let this blessed assurance control:
The Lord hath regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed his own blood for my soul.

It is well with my soul!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

"It Is Well With My Soul", 1st Stanza

Ever stop to think about who'd you want to sit with you while you mourned the loss of a loved one? In Biblical times people did just that. I have to admit, I had mixed emotions when I first learned that. I am not very comfortable crying in front of people. I try to contain myself and cry later. Or I simply explode with emotions, uncontained, unreserved, hysterical, and full of words I don't always mean.

After thinking about how I tend to respond, I thought, "who on earth would WANT to sit with me?" Well, then it struck me. My family and my best friend Angie.

Oh, we've had lots of those ranting and raving kinds of days. Coffee and venting. Kids running all around and interrupting while we let each other have it with all our frustrations and annoyances. It's really rather hysterical. We usually get to laughing so hard that we nearly fall over. Boy does it feel good to get it off our chests!

Today was NOT one of those days! Today we tried to chat as usual, were interrupted a million times by our kids, a visiting neighbor, an MIA fish in the aquarium (what a hysterical story that one is), and a kitchen piled high with dirty dishes. Sound familiar? If you're a normal mom, you feel my pain.

While we tried to chat, I attempted to fill her in something that the Lord was challenging me to do. Something that nearly paralyzed me with anxiety. As I shared this with her, I could feel her praying for me. I then played her a song that when I heard it the first time I broke down in tears, overcome with emotion over the sheer magnamity of the music. While she listened, I was chipping away at the mountain of dishes. She was sitting at the dining room table. As she listened, I "caught" her with her eyes closed listening deeply to the song...or perhaps praying. All I know is that it caught me by surprise and the image is now burned in my memory.

So what's the point of all this? My best friend, who couldn't sing-- she would say-- to save her life, took great interest in my hearts desire, and I know is praying to that end. She's definately one of the people I want to sit by me when I mourn.

And I can say with this blessed assurance... whatever my lot...

"When peace like a river attendeth my way
When sorrows like sea billows roll
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say
It is well, It is well, with my soul."

Monday, January 15, 2007

All I wanted for Christmas was a real good tan!

What a wonderful Christmas our family had in the Florida Keys. God blessed us with some much needed time away, sun on our faces, and great time catching up with the rest of our family. The kids had a blast! And so did mom and dad. Lazy days in the sun. The squeel of sea gulls. The smell of salty air. A great rejuvinator! Thanks God for being so generous to us!

A return to blogging

Wow, it's been a really long time since I've blogged! Oh how time flies.

This is my official re-entry back into web logging.