Saturday, January 20, 2007

"My Lover's Call"

Written by Mindi Jentes
January 19, 2007
Inspired by The Sister's Secret Garden
at Inniswood Metro Gardens, Westerville, Ohio

Inhaling the clean air around me
Dancing in fields of grass
Journeying down the path unwinding
Caressing the flow’rs as I pass

Before me lies the forest
The trees stretch to the sun
The stream has a message
“You’re journey’s just begun.”

Pushing wide the gate before me
Entering the tranquil scene
Listening, Do I hear Him?
He whispers like the stream

Following the mysterious pathway,
It’s tucked between the walls.
Pushing back the ivy tendrils
Do I hear my Lover’s Call?

Inside the secret garden,
The dew clothes the ground.
For to hear the Music playing,
I must be silent, not a sound.

The leaves begin to rustle
The trees gently sway
The breeze combs through my hair
He’s whispering: “Come this way.”

The Season now to enter
My long awaited rest,
Is standing here before me
‘Tis the end of my long quest.

Letting His loving arms enfold me,
Placing my head upon his breast
Holding tight to Him always,
For in Him I’ve found sweet rest.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:19 NLT

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