Friday, January 26, 2007

A Gift from the Sea

What do I have to give?

As I reflect on this question, one thing comes to mind. I have nothing left to give… no time, no energy, no encouragement, no smile, no words, NOTHING! I am as a dried up as an old leather bag. Once it was the vessel for carrying beautiful marbles, collectible coins, river rocks, sea shells, etc… but now that bag once a beautfil tanned piece of art is now weathered with cracks, freying seams, a few holes to which everything seems to slip through, and a missing strap to tighten for carrying.

What do I have left to give? Nothing.

The thought that comes to mind is whether or not I am content to stay in this duldrum? Am I really okay with being worn out, used up, empty? Though at times I think that the replenishment I need will never come. Am I okay with that? Can I continue to go on living this way? Absolutely not.

So what then must I do?

The Lord spoke to me today. He spoke to me quite boldly as He does when I am alone with Him in my favorite place… the beach. Today He said, it’s time for solitude. Oh, Mindi, you may think you are alone. But you will soon find you are not.

Go walk on that beach I created to show my compassion for your soul. Go stand in front of the waves as they crash to shore. I created those to show you my strength and cleansing power. Inhale the sweet scent of the air all around you. I swiftly send it to you to show you that I want to not only be your Master, but I want to be intimately involved in all your life.

You may think you are alone today, but my child… you are never alone. If only you’d make more time in your day for me. If only you’d seek me in the morning. If only you turned to me more constantly. Then you would know that I am enough. I am your All. I will fill you up again. I came to give you life so that you may not thirst again! Go DRINK of me!

So today, I go to drink. To walk. To talk. To BE with my Jesus.

I am not alone. He is with me.

This is my gift from the sea.

"Taste and see that the Lord is good;
blessed is the man who takes refuge in him." Psalm 34:8

Sunday, January 21, 2007

It Is Well With My Soul, 4th Stanza

Dear God, I pray that this week is better than last! Please remove that which hurts so bad and return to me that which causes me so much joy! This life is so full of torment, I can hardly bare it anymore. Please unlock the words of my heart, the music of my soul, so that I may bring more glory to your name! I BEG you for your mercy and for this blessing.

And, Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll,
The trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend:
"Even so"-- It is well with my soul.

Come Lord Jesus, Please Come!