Thursday, February 24, 2005

"The Author"

Got up this morning and checked my e-mails right away. Normally, I feel like I should wait and do that at another time in the day. Why rush right away to the computer? Well, I didn't sense that this morning. The only e-mail I had received was from the Presidential Prayer Team. I'll be honest, most days I scan it and delete it without reading hardly a word. But this morning, my eyes were drawn straight to the following quote. I saw nothing else on the page, just this:

"As we pray continually, even during times when God seems distant and prayer feels fruitless, we immerse ourselves in the benevolence, grace, forgiveness and love of God. Our attitudes toward life are modified accordingly. This doesn't mean that we become passive or weak. Living in harmony with the omnipotent God makes us stronger, just as seeing the world through the eyes of the omniscient God makes us wiser."
--Jimmy Carter

That's when it stuck me... God was guiding my mind and my eyes this morning, in ways that would grab my attention right away, to see how he writes words on people's heart and then speaks through those people to remind us of what he is doing in each of our lives. The more I continue on this journery towards living in the Spirit, the more I see God's hand. His timing is perfect. His instructions are always relevant. After all, "He is the AUTHOR of our faith."

"Be glad for all God is planning for you. Be patient in trouble, and always be prayerful." Romans 12:12 (NIV)


Frsaiop said...

Hello, I'm happy that you have the right words. There is always a reason for being since we don't remain the same as yesterday - we're moving hopefully towards the right direction. And what is that right direction? Of course, being constantly aware that God loves us no matter what and he's definitely working silently at the background of our lives, he's actually the "man behind the scenes". Take care.... God bless...

Frsaiop said...
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Anonymous said...

So glad to read this and to know that God is growing you closer and closer to Himself. Love you, Dad.