Saturday, June 11, 2005

Life Transformation

This morning at our local "Organic Greenhouse Gathering" (a time each month set aside for leadership development of those who are organic church planters) we spent some time reflecting on what Life Transformation looks like. We looked at the church in Thessolonica (modern day Thessoloniki).

In ancient days, Thessolinca was the capital and largest city of the the Roman province of Macedonia, the wealthiest city of the Roman empire due to the sea port, trade, and international influence. The most important Roman Highway from Rome to the Orient went through Thessolonica. Thessolinica was given freedom to select it's own rulers and was not bound my Roman law or religious constructs. As a result, many pagan religions and cultural influences permiated the city which raised many challenges for the Christians at that time.

In 1 Thesselonians 1:2-10 we read about how the church was flourishing and the Gospel was "ringing out" throughout the Macedonian province. What was happening was RADICAL LIFE TRANSFORMATION! The cause of this transformation was the power of the Holy Spirit. The effects were people who heard the news were transformed by the power of the Word. They turned from their idols, and were so impassioned about their new found faith that they had to tell the world! This message and the Christians lives were so radical and so powerful that 1 Thessalonians 1:8 says, >"And now the word of the Lord is RINGING OUT from you to people everywhere, even beyond Greece, for where we go we find people telling us about your faith in God."

The thing that strikes me is that the apostles were not there to spoon feed these new believers. The believers were under severe spiritual attack. Paul says in chapter 3, that he couldn't bare it any longer (not knowing how they were doing) for fear that the Devil had overcome them. So he sent Timothy to encourage and strengthen them. Upon Timothy's return, his news is so awesome!!! The believers were stronger than ever!!! Paul writes in vs. 9, "How we thank God for you! Because of you, we have great joy in the presence of God."

Do you think this kind of faith in action was done out of obligation or duty for being a follower of Jesus? I think not! This kind of faith in action was done out lives being radically transformed into the image of Christ. So much so, that the believers had to tell the world-- out of their passion for Christ and their sheer excitement and gratitude for what He had done for them.

Now step into the present-- the new millenium. What does Life Transformation look like today? Do we dare think it is any different? I think not! Dallas Willard in his book, "The Spirit of the Disciplines" says on pg. 20:

True character transformation begins, we are taught to believe, in the pure grace of God and is continually assisted by it. Very well. BUT actions is also indispensable in making the Christian a truly different kind of person-- one having a new life in which "Old things have passed away and behold, all things have become new!" (2 Corinthians 5:17). Failure to act in certain definate ways will guarantee that this transformation does not come to pass.

Jesus Christ has so radically transformed my life that I MUST tell the world!... not out of obligation or duty. Rather out of my PASSION for Christ and out of my sheer excitement and gratitude for what HE did for me by dying on the cross, bearing my burden of shame from sin, and rising from the dead so that I may be set free from the chains that held me captive! I am FREE because of Christ!

Imagine what The Church could look like today if every believer were to turn from their idols and surrender their minds ("the renewing of the mind")and hearts to God, just like the Thessolonicans did. We COULD NOT be silent. Our actions WOULD reflect the life transformation that we see in Thessolonica.

So how about it? The world must hear! We cannot be silent. Our lives MUST reflect the transformation of the Holy Spirit! The message must RING OUT!


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