Saturday, June 11, 2005

Dependence on the Great Burden-Bearer

A midst all the hub-bub of the last week of school for my kids (class picnics, K-5 graduation, class parties, etc...), packing up my classroom for the summer cleaning event by the school janitors, all the other graduation parties for friends/church members, all the many birthday parties for my own children plus other family members, God says to me, "Take heed! I am testing you." HRRRRRRRR! (Screeching hault.) "Huh? Right now? Can't it wait till I have a moment to breathe?" "No, right now. It's my perfect timing, and now is the time for another test." "Okay, God. What is it that you want me to learn?" So amdist all the "life" happening, his testing has begun. Let me explain...

I mentioned Trust and Faith in my last blog. And while I am still learning what it means to Trust that God has His perfect Will in line for me, that he will supply all my needs (physically, financially, mentally, and spiritually) and having Faith that He will do what He has promised... I am now learning what it means to be TOTALLY DEPENDENT on MY GREAT BURDEN BEARER! Each day, I read a little blip from "Come Away, My Beloved" by Frances J. Roberts. It's kind of like a devotional book, but more like a book of Inspirational thoughts. And though I don't depend on it for my spiritual nourishment, I am finding that God has ordained these writings for me to be reading them at this time. One of the "thoughts" if you will, is called "Dependence on God" and the very next one is called "The Burden-Bearer" I read them both last night.

Hebrews 3:14 says, "For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end." and Deuteronomy 8:16 says, "He might test you, to do you good in the end." This week held trials and circumstances that were difficult. My ability to trust God has certainly grown, while I have sensed the ability to trust OTHERS has weekend. Galatians 6:1 says, "Carry each other's burdens. In this way you fulfill the law of Christ" Often I assume that it means that as fellow believers we are to bear the burdens of others...period. But there is a pre-requisite to this "bearing of burdens." What I often over look is that I must be competely dependent on Christ FIRST. I should not carelessly throw out my concerns, troubles, heart-ache, frustrations, etc... to those who have listening ears. WITHOUT FIRST relaying this information to Christ, and learning that HE is my ULTIMATE burden bearer, I risk the information falling on ears that are not trustworthy. So hence, my test.

The following thoughts are from my reading last night and have caused me much relief:

"My child, do not share your burdens with all who come to you professing concern, I, Myself, am the great burden-bearer. You need not look to another. I will lead you and guide you in wisdom from above. All things will be as I plan them, if you allow ME the freedom to shape circumstances and lead you to the right decisions.

I am merciful and kind. I love you beyond measure. I intend to do you good; and I will bring to you those who can TRULY help, if you leave all in My hands.

I want you to prosper and be in health. I want you to know Me more intimately. If difficulties come, it is by My order and for your benefit. Others would say you have trouble: I would say you have a test."

Part of my diminishing abilities to trust others is all part of God's plan. Though it hurts tremendously to have confidentiality broken, seemingly no person to talk to who understands my circumstances, etc... I do have MY GREAT BURDEN-BEARER and HE is SUFFICIENT! This is the test. Will I fully trust Him and have faith in Him alone? When the due time comes...HE will begin to place people in my life who I can truly trust to help. But first, I must be fully dependent on Him.

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