Friday, March 18, 2005

Emack & Bolio's


Just got back from another Friday night at a really cool ice cream shop in our neighborhood. Yeah, I know there was snow on the ground this week. But come on... who can resist ice cream?!?! Plus, the shop has a really great atmosphere. It's kinda like sitting in someone's living room, only you're not. Art works hangs all around the house. There's a really huge kitchen table where you can play all kinds of board games with 10-12 people. About 6 sofas & coffee tables are placed around the house so one can relax and enjoy conversation, chess, or extreme Jenga with others. Cafe' tables and chairs are sprinkled around the house for your dining enjoyment, in case you're not in the mood to be social. There's even a small table and chairs set up & equipped with toys and games for the chillens. It's a really large open space, for an ice cream shop. But is it too big for God???


Thequest... a network of house church.
Purpose... to GO INTO all the world.
How... wherever there is an opening/calling.


As we, Mike & I and some folks from our house church, have frequented this super cool spot for around 2 months now, we have always remarked about how we feel so at home there. The owner seems happy to see us there regularly. The space is warm and inviting. Tonight we started to ponder about how maybe, God is paving the way for us to start another house church there. Really? I mean nothing spiritual has been happening there so far. Or has it???


The thoughts are just now forming. But it seems apparent to me that God has put these thoughts in all of our minds for a reason. Could it be that this is the next place God has called us to? The place where he wants to SHINE on High Street? We've prayed about open spaces, person's of peace, and even possible storefront space where we could meet and be visible. Could this be the time and the place?

...The only way to know... PRAYER! It's time to pray! It's time to go before the throne of God to ask The Lord of the Harvest for his clear guidance. To raise up workers for the havest. To make straight the way of the Lord! It's time to pray for open hearts and minds to the gospel.

It's time to PRAY for Emack & Bolio's!

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