Wednesday, August 17, 2005

a GREAT commission

Mike's challenge to read through the book of John 2 times in 4 weeks is taking me a little longer, but I am doing it. Today I spent some time reading in chapter 17. Verses 13-19 really jumped off the pages at me.

And now I am coming to you (referring to God). I have told them (the disciples) many things while I was with them so they would be filled with my joy. I have given them your word. And the world hates them because they do not belong to the world, just as I do not. I'm not asking you to take them out of the world, but to keep them safe from the evil one. They are not part of this world anymore than I am. Make them pure and holy by teaching them your words of truth. As you sent me into the world, I am sending them into the world. And I give myself entirely to you so they also might be entirely yours.

Just before I read these verses, I had spent some time reading in Come Away My Beloved by Frances J. Roberts. I read the entry titled "Courage" (pg. 62-64) The focus of this passage was on Ephesians 6:17 which says, "And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." Paragraph 5 states:

"You have not wrestled in any measure such as He, the Lord Jesus. You are not prepared to enter into this conflict as long as you are absorbed in the luxuries and the personal comforts of normal life. For every soldier must give first place to his obligations to the armed forces, and second place to his own private life and wishes. Even so you must do, if you would be My followers. Even so did Jesus during His earthly ministry. His entire life was subordinated to the Father's will."

The next entry "The Sense of Perspective" goes on to state in paragraph 7, 8 & 13:

"No my children, do not fear. Remember the words of Holy Scripture: 'Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom' (Luke 12:32). Here you have it again-- I am not simply preserving you, but I am doing so for the purpose of sharing with you My kingdom power. I you can catch the vision of what the days ahead hold in store for you in My great kingdom, you will gain a whole new perspective, so that as you view the present, transient scene, its true dimension will come into focus on proportion to the whole panoramic picture.

I give the sense of perspective, because I see the whole scroll of the ages as though it were already unrolled before Me-- so that the future is as clearly in view as the past. Look over my should! Look at your own life from My vantage point. My Spirit will bring you revelation and understanding, light and wisdom.

Seek My wisdom, and make it the guide of your life. Let the winds blow and storms beat. Your house shall stand."

As I read through all these passages, I began to sense again in a very powerful way, the call and commissioning God has on my life. It is an awesome fact that Christ has called me to be His disciple. It is an empowering fact that he has given me the Holy Spirit to support, guide and strengthen me. And though it can be a frightening fact that he has called me to the battle front against the Evil One for the souls of many, it is an encouraging FACT that "if GOD is for us, who can stand against us?"

As I relate these passages to my life the challenge on the table for me is to throw off all the things that hinder me and way me down-- that keep me from fighting this battle effectively, to not fear the enemy and the world around me, but rather to seek God's wisdom as I continue to push forward in this battle, carrying the Light of the Gospel into the darkness. Let the winds blow and the storms beat. My house shall stand!


Anonymous said...

Hi Mindi! I had a quest update in the e-mail box today, and followed the links to your blog. It was fun to read what God's been doing in your life! You guys have 4 beautiful kids! We are expecting #4 in 11 weeks. Couldn't believe how big Kayla looks...she reminds me a little of you when I knew you in FL. Anyway, it was nice to catch up with what you guys are doing.

Tarah Hoffland (

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